Variety of Styles – Customised Interior Design using Roller Blinds

In recent years, roman blinds have become increasingly popular, offering a modern and contemporary style to your home. Made with fabrics designed to withstand the strong sun rays and ultra violent light, these blinds are a good choice for the Australian climate. Find out more about the latest blind trend. Call us today on 131 950 and speak to one of our friendly staff members.

You can pick from a wide variety of colours, designs and fabric in roller blinds to replace them with curtains and drapes for many of their benefits. There are different types of roller blinds that can be used in different home spaces for many different reasons.

Blackout Roller Blinds

Blackout window blinds are perfect to keep the privacy you want in your bedroom intact. Many people can’t fall asleep even at the slightest hint of light in their bedrooms; blackout roller blinds provide a dark ambiance to ensure better sleep.

If you have set up a home theatre in your house then blackout roller blinds will help you to create the most apt environment for a vivid and pleasurable cinematic experience. Blackout roller blinds are usually made of vinyl. Roller blinds made of vinyl protect your home fixtures from adverse effects of fading and bleaching caused by sunlight. In summers, they are very useful in insulating your house from external heat.

You can pick from different darker tones in blackout roller blinds to match them with the colour scheme of your interior.

If your windows in the kitchen face the sun, then blackout roller blinds are a good option to use as window treatments. You can ask for water and fire resistant fabric for window furnishings of your kitchen. Since these blinds are made of vinyl, you can easily clean them after a while to get rid of any grease build-up that may occur.

Translucent Roller Blinds

These types of blinds are ideal if you want both privacy and natural light in certain spaces of your house. They are best to decorate window furnishings in your living area since translucent material of the blinds reduces light and heat while protecting  furniture from the direct effects of the sun.

Fabric roller blinds also fall in the category of translucent roller blinds. However, they are available in loaded designs that make them an ideal tool to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your interior. They are best to install in living areas and drawing rooms. You can get them in different designs and colours according to the theme of the house interior and your artistic preferences.

Transparent Roller blinds

If you don’t want to hinder the view from your window and want to illuminate your interior with natural light then transparent roller blind will be your best bet. They also reduce the dangers of direct sunlight exposure. They are good to go with window furnishings in living rooms to give them a spacious look by allowing more natural light in the area.

You can use them with blackout roller blinds in double blind system to increase the versatility of the window furnishings.

Add Style with Double Blind System

With double blind system, you can have two roller blinds on a single window. It allows you to increase the usefulness of the window furnishing in your house. For instance, you can use blackout and translucent roller blinds on the same window to get both privacy and natural light in your room.

You can pick any of the discussed roller blinds to customize the look of your interior. Go to a good window furnishing store to get the fabric type, colour and design you want from your roller blinds.

For more information, you may visit our Sydney showroom or call us at 1300 950 243.

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